الثلاثاء، 7 فبراير 2012

Marketing knowledge

Marketing knowledge

Marketing knowledge: knowledge tries to understand what makes an individual who agrees to 
buy a particular commodity

Peter Drucker: Marketing all making sense is the client

Marketing is a philosophy of building and the behavior of customers and consumers
Definition of marketing: It is everything that makes the sales process is successfully between the seller and buyer

American Society of Marketing defined as
The planning and implementation of the concept of ideas, goods, services and pricing, promotion and distribution to find the exchange would satisfy the objectives of the individual and the institution

British Society for Business Administration says that marketing is

Identify and define customer needs and satisfy these needs generate a profit
The facility or company.

Professor Philip Kotler definition

  Kotler defines marketing as human activity is designed to satisfy the needs and demands of the human person through interactive processes.

The concept of Real Estate Marketing

The real estate marketing a branch of marketing and is knowledge marketing of basic science in management science and the contribution to the success of real estate companies of the things recognized by everyone, since the real estate marketing a successful result in the production of better, as well as customer satisfaction, as well as it lead to higher profits for real estate companies.

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